The exhibition “Intérieurs. The Anatomy of Space” in the Ferdinand Baumann Gallery presented current work of schnepp • renou, Berlin and Paris based architecture photographers: HB40-43# – Fahrbereitschaft Lichtenberg, the parking lots and garages of the former GDR official car-park , frequented by GDR prominent such as Erich Honecker, and SW34# the empty office space of the computer giant Oracle. Their analytic photography-eye discovers the “anatomy of space” – the spaces are shot in the moment-in-between: vacant after losing their original function waiting for refurbishment. The work of schnepp•renou was exhibited in the German Museum of Architecture DAM, Estonian Museum of Architecture in Talinn and have been widely published in architecture journals and magazines worldwide. Their series “les grands ensembles” was awarded special mention European Architectural Photography Prize in 2013.
Photography © schnepp•renou